The game is built around Squads.
A player enters the game either through a referral link and becomes a member of a Squad or he creates a Squad himself or he joins a general hyyyyper squad.
The point of a Squad is that its members are captured and held Miners, who distribute rewards to Squad members in proportion to the distance traveled by the individual player.
Additionally, a player can personally increase the percent of rewards from the total distribution from Squad Miners by hitting the daily TOP3, buying NFT boosts, and completing certain in-game events.
The Squad is directly linked to the Guild, which is the blockchain on which the game is played for all Squad members.
The Guild is chosen by the Squad creator and all members receive rewards and operate on the blockchain with which the Squad is associated.
Players can leave Squads, but they can join other Squads in the same Guild to maintain balance and prevent cheating on the shared map.
To move assets and tokens, inter-network bridges are provided to buy and sell them on different blockchains, which helps Squad members in a particular Guild to interact with Squad members in other Guilds.